Nuevamente Melchor, Gaspar y Baltazar regresaron a la ciudad de León

Nuevamente Melchor, Gaspar y Baltazar regresaron a la ciudad de León a dejar miles de juguetes a los niños. Desde temprana hora la magia de los magos de oriente se hizo presente en los hogares dejando una sonrisa en la cara de cada uno de los menores. Como cada año los reyes magos recibieron miles de cartas con diversas peticiones, desde juguetes clásicos, playeras de fútbol del equipo León hasta juguetes de alta tecnología. El día de hoy las familias leonesas, partirán la tradicional rosca de reyes que en su interior contiene la figura de un pequeño niño escond

Dia de reyes León, Gto
Dia de reyes León, Gto

ido en la pieza de pan. Según la tradición María y José escondieron a si hijo del rey Herodes quien según se cuenta en el evangelio de Mateo, había ordenado matar a todos los niños menores de 2 años quien encuentra la figura del niño dentro de la rosca de reyes, asume el compromiso de apadrinar al niño en el Día de la Candelaria , celebrado el 2 de febrero levantando al niño Jesús del nacimiento y vistiéndolo con un ropón.



León Gto,Domingo 19 de Noviembre del 2017


J O R N A D A # 17


Con un escenario espectacular y con afición de las dos escuadras León y chivas se juega la última jornada del torneo apertura liga mx 2017.

El juego empieza con varias llegadas de los esmeraldas de León que Mauro Bosseli no pudo capitalizar por el manojo de nervios que traía por el titulo de goleo.

Sinembargo las chivas apoco a poco se acomodaron en el campo y aprovecharon los nervios de la fiera y se nivela el partido y en el 46 Pizarro se gana la tarjeta amarilla y las acciones sigue igual hasta que en el minuto 68 en un tiro de esquina que cobra el chivas y a cargo de Carlos Fierro que entro de cambio marca el 1-0 para el rebaño ,la fiera empieza a reaccionar pero no logra concretar por los nervios de todo el equipo que Bosseli contagio

El juego sigue su marcha en un va y ven y en el minuto 65 otra amarilla para chivas ahora para H.Marin.y en el minuto 88 Brizuela entra por el lado izquierdo y saca un trallazo al primer poste que William Yarbrough no pudo contener y anota el 2-0 para las chivas y León intenta reaccionar pero de nada le sirvió y pierde el encuentro y así terminan los dos equipos su competencia en el torneo regular,pero la fiera a pesar de haber aun le falta jugar en la liguilla la fiesta grande del fútbol mexicano.


LEÓN:Wiliam Yarbrough,Fernando Navarro,Andrés Mosquera,Nacho Gonzalez,Juan Cornejo.Elías Hernández,Alex Mejía,Álvaro Ramos,Andrés Andrade,y Mauro Bosseli

Director Técnico :Gustavo (el Chavo) Díaz.

Chivas:M.Jiménez,J.Sánchez,C.Salcido,H.Marín,E.Hernández O.Pineda,J.Vázquez,R.Pizarro,I.Brizuela, J.Macias.


León:minuto 56 entra Mauro Lainez y Sale:Andrés Andrade,minuto 59 entra Alan Cervantes y sale:Iván Rodrigues,al minuto 72 Entra Iván Piris y sale Elías Hernández.

Chivas:minuto 56 entra Carlos Fierro y Sale José Macias, minuto 65 entra José Godines y sale José Luis Lopéz

TARJETAS AMARILLAS:NINGUNA POR LEÓN Y POR CHIVAS:Hedgardo Marín Y Rodolfo Pizarro.Expulsados ninguno

Por:Clemente Murillo


Tips para el Festival Internacional del Globo

Festival del Globo León, Gto

Tips básicos para sobrevivir el Festival Internacional del Globo

El Festival Internacional del Globo, es una de las experiencias recreativas que tienes que vivir al menos una vez en la vida, es un espectáculo único que llena de colores el cielo y que mezcla música, la belleza del parque metropolitano y la magia de increíbles globos.

Por eso aquí tienes 10 tips para poder vivir y disfrutar el Festival Internacional del Globo:

  1. Paciencia; El tráfico en la ciudad de León generalmente es complicado en horas pico y en  ciertas zonas de la ciudad. En el FIG se espera la llegada de cientos de miles de personas y vehículos, por lo que transitar por algunos tramos de la ciudad puede ser un verdadero desafío, se paciente y prevé tus tiempos o toma vías alternas.
  2. Utiliza el transporte público, taxis, UBER o Cabify,  habrá tarifas y horarios especiales, por lo que puede ser una buena opción para desplazarte.
  3. Comparte el vehículo, ten en cuenta, que con miles de vehículos en la ciudad los estacionamientos estarán saturados en el Parque Metropolitano.
  4. Ya en el Parque Metropolitano define un punto de reunión con tus amigos, es probable que con tantas personas más de uno se puede perder.
  5. Lleva tu cámara y cargador; Las fotos y videos que puedes obtener serán espectaculares.
  6. Abrígate; Se espera la entrada de un frente frío y las temperaturas en la madrugada y noche bajarán.
  7. Cuida tus pertenencias; Ante tantas personas es muy fácil que puedas extraviar algo o incluso (Esperemos que no) algún amante de lo ajeno las tome.
  8. Toda la información del FIG la puedes consultar en:
  9. NO TIRES BASURA, deposita la basura en su lugar y cuida las instalaciones del Parque.
  10. Se buen anfitrión y  si eres de León, lo más importante es que disfrutes el Festival, somos afortunados de tener uno de los mejores festivales del mundo en nuestra ciudad.



Abogado, leones, peregrino, trotamundos, runner, fan de artes marciales, la lectura, el cine and geek lawyer 2.0 en twitter @betomof

La ciudad de León, se prepara para vivir uno de los eventos turísticos más esperados del año, el Festival Internacional del Globo

La ciudad de León, se prepara para vivir uno de los eventos turísticos más esperados del año, el Festival Internacional del Globo, del 17 al 20 de noviembre el Parque Metropolitano será testigo de cómo 200 globos de diversas formas y colores vuelan en el cielo de la ciudad zapatera. Como cada año, personas de diferentes puntos del país viajan para disfrutar de este evento, en punto de las 7 de la mañana comienzan a elevarse los globos aerostáticos que llenan las mañanas de color. Por las noches, se llevan a cabo las “noches mágicas” donde cada uno de los gigantes aerostáticos se encienden al ritmo de la música, que en esta edición estará a cargo de Il Bello Canto, un grupo de cantantes tenores originarios de España, los cuales cautivaran tus sentidos y erizaran la piel de los presentes. Además de presenciar los vuelos y las noches mágicas, el festival ofrece muchas actividades para todos los integrantes de las familias, este año se contará con la presencia en el escenario de La Adictiva Banda Juan José de Mesillas el día 17 de noviembre. La noche del 18 de noviembre, será una de las más esperadas por los amantes de la música electrónica, el reconocido DJ Steve Aoki pondrá a bailar a los presentes. Café Tacvba cerrará las presentaciones musicales el 19 de noviembre, esta banda es una de las consentidas de los leoneses, y se espera que esa noche los originarios de la Ciudad de México pongan a cantar todos sus éxitos a los asistentes. Se parte de esta gran experiencia y conoce otra cara de la ciudad zapatera.

Mañana inicia el Mega Derby Intercontinental León 2017

Mañana inicia el Mega Derby Intercontinental León 2017, quienes disfruten las peleas de gallos, podrán presenciar las mejores peleas de México, Centro América y Estados Unidos. La sede serán las instalaciones del Centro de Espectáculos de la Feria de León y se llevará a cabo del 9 al 12 de noviembre, los asistentes podrán disfrutar de la mayor expo comercial e industrial de la gallicultura, así como exposición y venta de aves de los más prestigiados criadores nacionales e internacionales. Ante la buena respuesta de los leoneses por el evento, se informo que desde el 15 d septiembre se llegó al límite de inscripciones.

Las reseñas del partido de León vs Xolos de Tijuana


León Guanajuato,Viernes 03 de Noviembre del 2017

Torneo de Apertura 2017 Jornada #16

León vs Xolos

León con casi con el mismo cuadro excepto con Juán Cornejo y Navarro que cubrió la baja de Alex Mejía que enfrentó al Veracruz que goleo 6-2 hoy se enfrentó al xolos de Tijuana y pierde 2-1.

Con una serie de desaciertos de León y xolos empiezan el partido y al minuto 4 Andrés Andrade se lleva la primera tarjeta amarilla  ya por el minuto 14 la fiera se empieza acomodar y anota al minuto 16 con por conducto de juan cornejo y así se fueron al descanso

Ya en el segundo tiempo la fiera se fue para atrás para conservar la mínima diferencia y los xolos empiezan hacer llegadas por la lateral derecha donde hicieron daño provocando dos penales uno anotado y otro fallado y al minuto 60 se viene otra amarilla a Mosquera y llevándose así los xolos la victoria de 2-1

Cambios por León : sale Andrés Andrade y entra.Maxi Cerato al 60,sale Iván Piris als 83 y entra Alvaro Ramos al 90 sale Luis Montes y entra Alan Cervantes.

Cambios de Tijuana:Sale Juan Iturbe Y entra Juan M. Lucero al 59,Sale Alejandro E Guido y entra Luis Mendoza,sale Miller Bolaños Y entra Joe Benny Corona AL 76.

Tarjetas amarillas por tXolos: Victor l.malcorra,Damian M.Mustos,Miller A Bolaños y Matías Aguirregaray.

por León:Andrés Andrade

los goles de los xolos de tijuana:Victor L Malcorra y Juan M.Luecro

Por León: Juan Cornejo.


Autor: Clemente Murillo

El próximo 8 de noviembre en las instalaciones del Foro del Lago, se llevará a cabo el desfile de Catrinas de La Salle.

El próximo 8 de noviembre en las instalaciones del Foro del Lago, se llevará a cabo el desfile de Catrinas de La Salle. Este año, bajo el lema “Orgullo de nuestra tierra” los alumnos de la Universidad de La Salle, darán muestra de su creatividad y vestirán al famoso personaje creado por Guadalupe Posadas. Los asistentes podrán disfrutar del espectáculo “Raíces” el cual es producido en su totalidad por la institución educativa, siendo una mezcla de danza, historia y cantos regionales. Para todos aquellos que no puedan presencial la magia y el enigma que encierra esté desfile, podrán seguir por primera vez la transmisión por TV4. Este evento será visto en Estados Unidos y Cánada, con la intención de que la comunidad mexicana que habita en esos países, pueda visualizar como continúan vivas las tradiciones y como son abordadas por los talentosos estudiantes. El sábado 28 de octubre, en punto de las 16:00 horas se hará una presentación en el centro comercial Altacia, referente al tema de las catrinas. Los boletos para asistir al desfile, tienen un costo de $220.00 pesos y pueden conseguirlos a través de la plataforma e-ticket

The Hottest Hairstyle at Fashion Week Is Not on the Runways


You’re probably thinking that you know everything there is to know about the Rooftop Concert Series You’re saying to yourself, it started in 1986 and was on for 9 seasons and starred Andy Griffith.

Just because you can do something, should you? Samsung thinks so. Its second experimentally screened phone taps into its hardware R&D and production clout to offer something not many other companies.


The Rooftop Concert Series began in 2010 when four Provo residents (Sarah Wiley, C. Jane Kendrick, Mindy Gledhill, and Justin Hackworth) met together to discuss ways they could get more people to come downtown.

Ccity has to offer one obvious starting point was the music that was being made played, and performed in Provo. How about concerts on the roof someone said and the Rooftop Concert Series was born.

Buy 2016 Concert Tickets at Ticketpocket

There are lots of places to park in downtown Provo and close to the venue. Check out this map here. We also have free valet bicycle parking available, courtesy of the Provo Bicycle Collective. Ride your bike to the concert and take advantage of the most convenient parking available.


The exploration of space stands as one of humanity’s greatest achievements. While history has hailed the men and women who reached the cosmos, and those who helped them get there, much of the infrastructure that sent them skyward lies forgotten and dilapidated.

Red Rocks Entertainment Concerts

And how does Apple’s biggest phone compare to the Note Edge? Well, both remain unwieldy to grip, and the Note Edge is wider. However, the edged screen nuzzles into my hand better and those software tweaks mentioned above give it the advantage. However, just like the stylus, there’s a while before you get the knack of all the little provisions Samsung’s made to ease users into this screen size.

Roland Miller has spent nearly half his life chronicling these landmarks before they are lost forever long been obsessed with space as a child, he dreamed of being an astronaut.


Its curves are subjective and divisive; my friends and colleagues have offered up reactions ranging from outright bemusement to adoration. The screen looks great, with the punchy contrast and sharpness that’s been a Samsung flagship mainstay for years. We’ll get back to that edge, but it’s the headline part of a 5.6-inch Quad-HD+ display.


Make this secondary menu transparent, allowing me to maintain all that screen space. The ability to shrink the likes of Chrome and Google Maps to a popup window and layer it on top of other apps is also useful I’d love to see something similar on the iPhone 6 Plus continues to clear away.


If you’re looking to learn more about the stylus uses, I’d advise a quick read of Brad’s Galaxy Note 4 review, because the setup is identical here. Yes, there are TouchWiz bits running on Android 4.4 KitKat.

But let’s focus on what’s different here: that edge. There are two display modes you can flit between: a slender, unassuming bar that can display a customized message and a more substantial column that attempts to offer extra functionality, notifications or context-dependent.

Courtroom Concerts 2015 – 2016 A Free Weekly Lunchtime Concert Series

While I’m not a huge selfie taker, you’ll have to ask our Senior Selfie Editor, but I do take a whole lot of photos with my smartphone.

Good music in a great town.

When it’s expanded, the UI is a basic row of icons, which you can navigate with a little swipe. This may look a little unusual, but swishing through the various mini-screens is immensely satisfying.

And how does Apple’s biggest phone compare to the Note Edge? Well, both remain unwieldy to grip, and the Note Edge is wider. However, the edged screen nuzzles into my hand better and those software tweaks mentioned above give it the advantage.

However, just like the stylus, there’s a while before you get the knack of all the little provisions Samsung’s made to ease users into this screen size.

The screen is marginally smaller than the Note 4, despite the cranked-up pixel count. Like the Note 4, text pops a little more, and pictures you take with the 16MP camera are obviously better replicated on the Note Edge’s screen.

Well, both remain unwieldy to grip, and the Note Edge is wider. However, the edged screen nuzzles into my hand better and those software tweaks mentioned above give it the advantage.

Day 3 of Spring 2016 New York Fashion Week’s most inspiring


You’re probably thinking that you know everything there is to know about the Rooftop Concert Series You’re saying to yourself, it started in 1986 and was on for 9 seasons and starred Andy Griffith.

Just because you can do something, should you? Samsung thinks so. Its second experimentally screened phone taps into its hardware R&D and production clout to offer something not many other companies.


The Rooftop Concert Series began in 2010 when four Provo residents (Sarah Wiley, C. Jane Kendrick, Mindy Gledhill, and Justin Hackworth) met together to discuss ways they could get more people to come downtown.

Ccity has to offer one obvious starting point was the music that was being made played, and performed in Provo. How about concerts on the roof someone said and the Rooftop Concert Series was born.

Buy 2016 Concert Tickets at Ticketpocket

There are lots of places to park in downtown Provo and close to the venue. Check out this map here. We also have free valet bicycle parking available, courtesy of the Provo Bicycle Collective. Ride your bike to the concert and take advantage of the most convenient parking available.


The exploration of space stands as one of humanity’s greatest achievements. While history has hailed the men and women who reached the cosmos, and those who helped them get there, much of the infrastructure that sent them skyward lies forgotten and dilapidated.

Red Rocks Entertainment Concerts

And how does Apple’s biggest phone compare to the Note Edge? Well, both remain unwieldy to grip, and the Note Edge is wider. However, the edged screen nuzzles into my hand better and those software tweaks mentioned above give it the advantage. However, just like the stylus, there’s a while before you get the knack of all the little provisions Samsung’s made to ease users into this screen size.

Roland Miller has spent nearly half his life chronicling these landmarks before they are lost forever long been obsessed with space as a child, he dreamed of being an astronaut.


Its curves are subjective and divisive; my friends and colleagues have offered up reactions ranging from outright bemusement to adoration. The screen looks great, with the punchy contrast and sharpness that’s been a Samsung flagship mainstay for years. We’ll get back to that edge, but it’s the headline part of a 5.6-inch Quad-HD+ display.


Make this secondary menu transparent, allowing me to maintain all that screen space. The ability to shrink the likes of Chrome and Google Maps to a popup window and layer it on top of other apps is also useful I’d love to see something similar on the iPhone 6 Plus continues to clear away.


If you’re looking to learn more about the stylus uses, I’d advise a quick read of Brad’s Galaxy Note 4 review, because the setup is identical here. Yes, there are TouchWiz bits running on Android 4.4 KitKat.

But let’s focus on what’s different here: that edge. There are two display modes you can flit between: a slender, unassuming bar that can display a customized message and a more substantial column that attempts to offer extra functionality, notifications or context-dependent.

Courtroom Concerts 2015 – 2016 A Free Weekly Lunchtime Concert Series

While I’m not a huge selfie taker, you’ll have to ask our Senior Selfie Editor, but I do take a whole lot of photos with my smartphone.

Good music in a great town.

When it’s expanded, the UI is a basic row of icons, which you can navigate with a little swipe. This may look a little unusual, but swishing through the various mini-screens is immensely satisfying.

And how does Apple’s biggest phone compare to the Note Edge? Well, both remain unwieldy to grip, and the Note Edge is wider. However, the edged screen nuzzles into my hand better and those software tweaks mentioned above give it the advantage.

However, just like the stylus, there’s a while before you get the knack of all the little provisions Samsung’s made to ease users into this screen size.

The screen is marginally smaller than the Note 4, despite the cranked-up pixel count. Like the Note 4, text pops a little more, and pictures you take with the 16MP camera are obviously better replicated on the Note Edge’s screen.

Well, both remain unwieldy to grip, and the Note Edge is wider. However, the edged screen nuzzles into my hand better and those software tweaks mentioned above give it the advantage.

Margaret Cho Designs Solitaire Jumpsuit For Betabrand


You’re probably thinking that you know everything there is to know about the Rooftop Concert Series You’re saying to yourself, it started in 1986 and was on for 9 seasons and starred Andy Griffith.

Just because you can do something, should you? Samsung thinks so. Its second experimentally screened phone taps into its hardware R&D and production clout to offer something not many other companies.


The Rooftop Concert Series began in 2010 when four Provo residents (Sarah Wiley, C. Jane Kendrick, Mindy Gledhill, and Justin Hackworth) met together to discuss ways they could get more people to come downtown.

Ccity has to offer one obvious starting point was the music that was being made played, and performed in Provo. How about concerts on the roof someone said and the Rooftop Concert Series was born.

Buy 2016 Concert Tickets at Ticketpocket

There are lots of places to park in downtown Provo and close to the venue. Check out this map here. We also have free valet bicycle parking available, courtesy of the Provo Bicycle Collective. Ride your bike to the concert and take advantage of the most convenient parking available.


The exploration of space stands as one of humanity’s greatest achievements. While history has hailed the men and women who reached the cosmos, and those who helped them get there, much of the infrastructure that sent them skyward lies forgotten and dilapidated.

Red Rocks Entertainment Concerts

And how does Apple’s biggest phone compare to the Note Edge? Well, both remain unwieldy to grip, and the Note Edge is wider. However, the edged screen nuzzles into my hand better and those software tweaks mentioned above give it the advantage. However, just like the stylus, there’s a while before you get the knack of all the little provisions Samsung’s made to ease users into this screen size.

Roland Miller has spent nearly half his life chronicling these landmarks before they are lost forever long been obsessed with space as a child, he dreamed of being an astronaut.


Its curves are subjective and divisive; my friends and colleagues have offered up reactions ranging from outright bemusement to adoration. The screen looks great, with the punchy contrast and sharpness that’s been a Samsung flagship mainstay for years. We’ll get back to that edge, but it’s the headline part of a 5.6-inch Quad-HD+ display.


Make this secondary menu transparent, allowing me to maintain all that screen space. The ability to shrink the likes of Chrome and Google Maps to a popup window and layer it on top of other apps is also useful I’d love to see something similar on the iPhone 6 Plus continues to clear away.


If you’re looking to learn more about the stylus uses, I’d advise a quick read of Brad’s Galaxy Note 4 review, because the setup is identical here. Yes, there are TouchWiz bits running on Android 4.4 KitKat.

But let’s focus on what’s different here: that edge. There are two display modes you can flit between: a slender, unassuming bar that can display a customized message and a more substantial column that attempts to offer extra functionality, notifications or context-dependent.

Courtroom Concerts 2015 – 2016 A Free Weekly Lunchtime Concert Series

While I’m not a huge selfie taker, you’ll have to ask our Senior Selfie Editor, but I do take a whole lot of photos with my smartphone.

Good music in a great town.

When it’s expanded, the UI is a basic row of icons, which you can navigate with a little swipe. This may look a little unusual, but swishing through the various mini-screens is immensely satisfying.

And how does Apple’s biggest phone compare to the Note Edge? Well, both remain unwieldy to grip, and the Note Edge is wider. However, the edged screen nuzzles into my hand better and those software tweaks mentioned above give it the advantage.

However, just like the stylus, there’s a while before you get the knack of all the little provisions Samsung’s made to ease users into this screen size.

The screen is marginally smaller than the Note 4, despite the cranked-up pixel count. Like the Note 4, text pops a little more, and pictures you take with the 16MP camera are obviously better replicated on the Note Edge’s screen.

Well, both remain unwieldy to grip, and the Note Edge is wider. However, the edged screen nuzzles into my hand better and those software tweaks mentioned above give it the advantage.